Accessing Testing Materials

Testing materials can be accessed from your dashboard. Please review the dashboard guide for information on how to access testing materials as a proctor.

Understanding the Test Details Screen

Follow the dashboard guide for steps on how to find a test. Once you find a test, clicking the view link will bring up the testing details.


The exam details screen will show all the relevant information about an exam. Online exams will have a subset of the information seen above. Listed below are the fields and what they mean:

These are the dates that the student is permitted to take the exam in Mountain Time. The system shouldn't allow you to view exams outside of the open date ranges, but please do not permit students to take exams outside of the valid range.
This is the exam type and will say either paper or online. Paper exams should always have accompanying materials to download.
Access Code (Online Only)
Online exams will indicate an access code used to start the exam in Canvas (The online Learning Management System).
Time Limit
The time limit indicates the number of minutes the student has to complete the exam.
Notes to Proctor
These are special notes or instructions from the instructor to you. Please read these before starting the exam.
Notes to Student
These are special notes or instructions that you should tell the student before they start their exam.
Materials Allowed
These are the only materials allowed for the student during their exam. Do not allow them to have anything other than what is listed here.
Exam Resources (Optional)
Some exams may contact a list of exam resources which are documents that are generally used by the student for the exams. Generally things like formula sheets. Paper exams will be found here. Click the link to view and download the material.